

  Information and Communications Technology There were many opportunities for development for Senior High School students, such as radically shifting the face of education and discovering what part technology plays in our lives as students. It guides us to complete our works and tasks quickly with the help of ICT. In certain subject fields, the effectiveness of ICT supports and improves the way teaching and learning is done. The use of information and communication technology (ICT) was allocated to raising awareness of a number of issues impacting young people.  Due to its vast exploration of almost all, today's youth are widely exposed to technologies. I had no idea what the meaning of ICT was for us at first, but as the lessons progressed, I learned several things, such as the importance of technology to all. SHS students have many opportunities, such as enhancing our knowledge and capacity by learning how to use ICT, including the definition, ideas, and task. Seni...


SOCIAL MEDIA  People are faced with COVID-19, social media is a wonderful way for individuals and groups to remain linked even though they are physically separated. In the wake of a global event, we've never had more real-time knowledge at our hands. This type of knowledge will help us stay healthy by giving us a better understanding of what's going on and how it could affect us and those we care about. However, social media can also spread lies, such as miraculous preventative steps, misleading statements about martial law enforcement, conspiracy theories, and so on.  It's important to find reliable sources of knowledge about COVID-19. Hundreds of millions of people are able to publicly express their views on COVID-19 on a variety of social media sites. Individuals, organizations, and companies have used social media in recent weeks to raise awareness of COVID-19 and the public steps that can be taken.  There is no such thing as an optimal forum. However, where ther...

The role or function of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

 Information and Communication Technology   Information and communication technologies (ICT) play a significant role in all aspects of modern society. ICT have changed the way in which we communicate with each other, how we find needed information, work, conduct business, interact with government agencies, and how we manage our social lives. Since it can be used as a learning and education medium, as well as a mass communication medium for promoting and campaigning on practical and critical topics such as health and social issues, it can increase the quality of human life. For many people, information and communication technology has become an important part of their daily lives. The essence of ICT in relation to their lives, culture, and career path. ICT is beneficial and useful. We can easily interact with others, obtain information, and, most importantly, we can increase our spare time because ICT allows us to complete our task in less time. ICT includes informati...


  EDUCATION In view of all of this, I believe that education provides people with a sense of sanity and development, even in the midst of the horrors we are currently experiencing. Higher education's socialization dimensions are critical, and their lack is a very real and significant cost of the pandemic. We've discovered that young children need much more face-to-face education than older students. For graduate students, it is not easy, but we can get away with it for a few semesters. I'm confident that we can teach and learn in this environment, but I'm concerned that everyone is becoming device. Time isn't as distinct as it used to be. I understand, but the formal aspect of a graduate student's education is succeeding. The work I'm seeing is incredible. My classes were, in some ways, just a pretext for the transformative educational experience I was having. As a result, I am pleased with what we have achieved, but I lament what we have lost. I, like every...


 ICT is beneficial and useful. We can easily interact with others, obtain information, and, most importantly, we can increase our leisure time because ICT allows us to complete our work in less time. Another impact of information and communication technology in our culture is that it allows people to work from home. As a result, traffic congestion will be reduced because people would no longer commute to work. Another factor is the advent of internet-based home shopping. We won't bother going to the nearest mall or supermarket to get our supplies. This is also advantageous for those who are unable to leave their homes for various reasons. The best example is a physically disabled person who actually has to rely on someone to do their shopping for them. Internet shopping can allow these individuals to become more self-sufficient and less reliant on others. In industry, ICT enables companies to extend their operations through the use of the Internet, and ICT enables our community to ...

Choose Wise, Choose ABM

  This blog is all about my stand  The  ABM strand  in its most fundamental sense refers to the accountancy, business, and management academic programs that concentrate on the foundational concepts in corporate operations, financial management, business management, as well as each and every factor that revolves around those central fields.


A simple information about me     Hi! My Name is Alyssa , 17 years old I'm a Pure Filipino from the country of Philippines . An grade 11 student currently attending University of the Immaculate Conception. I'm a girl who loves to eat any kinds of foods ,but lazy to go and lost weight because I keep on eating and gain weight . I like watching k drama and reading fiction story on wattpad. I don't have many friends because I choose to stay with the friends who are true to me and understand for who am I . My height is short 5'2 but I accept and it's fun 😁. I have pets 2 dogs and 1 cat some time they are the cause of my stress but I love them and they also cuddle with me so they are also the cure for my stress HAHAHAHA. I am friendly sometimes if I like the way you interact with me ,but if you give me an attitude accept the karma I gave back to you.