In view of all of this, I believe that education provides people with a sense of sanity and development, even in the midst of the horrors we are currently experiencing. Higher education's socialization dimensions are critical, and their lack is a very real and significant cost of the pandemic. We've discovered that young children need much more face-to-face education than older students. For graduate students, it is not easy, but we can get away with it for a few semesters. I'm confident that we can teach and learn in this environment, but I'm concerned that everyone is becoming device. Time isn't as distinct as it used to be. I understand, but the formal aspect of a graduate student's education is succeeding. The work I'm seeing is incredible. My classes were, in some ways, just a pretext for the transformative educational experience I was having. As a result, I am pleased with what we have achieved, but I lament what we have lost. I, like everyone else, am anxious for the vaccine to be administered and for the infection rate to decrease so that we can all breathe again and return to our normal lives. A world that I know I can never take for consideration again.
I remember the first moments when the coronavirus made headlines with absolute accuracy. As much as I hoped it would be insignificant, there was a part of me that was anxiously following the World Health Organization's regular notifications and epidemiology updates. It was soon discovered that the coronavirus was not merely a harmless virus that would go on its merry way. Indeed, what began as an outbreak with pandemic potential quickly morphed into a global pandemic that would, as we now know, affect the world as we knew it. We are all affected by this pandemic and we are all worried for our family and health but despite all the headlines that keeps us from getting scare we fight and stand .By just following the health care protocols , washing our hands daily , wearing mask and face shields, taking vitamins and exercising . This global pandemic teach us on how important to take care for ourselves and also for the people we care and loved.
Many have rightly regretted the losses that the COVID-19 crisis has inflicted on students, especially the class of 2020, during the pandemic. Certainly, the coronavirus has robbed young people of countless treasured activities such as friendship, sports, music and drama events, proms, and graduation ceremonies. I learn from this situation that family means a lot and it’s really important to always take care of each other, in this hardship we can have each others back and taking care of one another. This pandemic teach me that family is the who can be by your side and never leave you . My family our bond together is much more fun and we are much more getting closed to each other .
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