Information and Communications Technology |
There were many opportunities for development for Senior High School students, such as radically shifting the face of education and discovering what part technology plays in our lives as students. It guides us to complete our works and tasks quickly with the help of ICT. In certain subject fields, the effectiveness of ICT supports and improves the way teaching and learning is done. The use of information and communication technology (ICT) was allocated to raising awareness of a number of issues impacting young people.
Due to its vast exploration of almost all, today's youth are widely exposed to technologies. I had no idea what the meaning of ICT was for us at first, but as the lessons progressed, I learned several things, such as the importance of technology to all. SHS students have many opportunities, such as enhancing our knowledge and capacity by learning how to use ICT, including the definition, ideas, and task. Seniors were expected to attend an online class on Wednesdays.
When we concentrate on activities that we manage and address the tasks provided by the teachers, it is easier for us to learn on our own because I, personally, can now complete works and duties on my own initiative to learn without the assistance of the teachers, and we gain the skills and knowledge of learning.
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